The Double Image Experience
Nancy & Mike Gifford
Nancy and Mike Gifford have been a pair since the early years of high school, and at just 13 and 14 years of age, they unknowingly created a bond that would surpass their expectations.
Double Image Styling Salon was founded in 1987, the same year Mike and Nancy Gifford were married. In 1998, Mike joined Nancy in working at the salon. Just 11 years brought so much success to the salon, that Nancy needed a helping hand, and who better to lend one than her high school sweetheart, husband, and now business partner?
Hand in hand, The Giffords have developed Double Image into the award winning salon it is today. However, the success of the salon is due in part to the exceptional team of women who have chosen Double Image to fulfill their careers.
No matter how talented and hard working the Double Image staff and owners may be, the most important part of their equation is you! Mike and Nancy appreciate and acknowledge the role their clients play in the success of their salon and extend many thanks to each and every one!
Our Team
Lindsey Gifford
Master Stylist
Julie Fosnaught
Master Stylist/Assistant Manager
Beth VanBuren
Master Stylist
Alice Anderson
Master Stylist
Deanna Robinson
Master Stylist
Holly Jones
Master Stylist
Linda McNany
Master Stylist
Angela Claypoole
Master Stylist
Haley Jewart
Premier Stylist
Mandy Coffey
Premier Stylist
Shayla Shullo
Premier Stylist
Stephanie Cramer
Master Stylist
Sadie Murawski
Sara Weiland
Stylist/Nail Tech/Esthetician
Candace Stitt
Massage Therapist
Corey Gifford
Assistant Business Manager/Piercer
Sarah Tapager
Ava Moyer